e-Cards are not just for Christmas
The rising costs of sending letters and cards via snail mail has created a fantastic opportunity for e-Cards. Our databases continue to grow and email is the most time and cost effective method of communication. Sending custom designed Cards to individuals and groups strengthens our relationship with suppliers, customers, friends, family.
Mobilize Mail can create a library of cards for you and initiative the ‘set and forget’ mailing so your networks are looked after without you needing to remember when to send their birthday or anniversary card. Our system can also alert you when a card is being delivered so you can follow up with a phone call if you choose to. It’s a system designed to make your life easier, yet more productive.
Contact us to arrange your e-Cards for 2008 – Happy New Year, Happy Birthday, It’s Your Anniversary, Merry Christmas! Cards for every occasion. Your brand, your message, fully personalised, delivered automatically, and tracked for your peace of mind.