Mobilize Mail > Get More from Your Email Campaigns

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Get More from Your Email Campaigns

A missed opportunity – increase your mailing list registrations. Many businesses are missing out on growing their mailing lists daily. A proven method of getting more people on your email mailing list is to put your registration information boldly on your homepage. Either present an animated banner that clicks through to a dedicated registration page or present the ‘subscription form’ on your homepage. Make it easy for your website visitors to join up to receive your email marketing information.

Subject Lines – invite the recipient to open your email.
Subject Lines are often overlooked or an afterthought however they can greatly impact on your open rate. Choose a subject line that has a value proposition or call to action to improve your open rate.

Targeted Message Content – give your recipients relevant information. Provide your recipients with information that they want and can use and this will increase the click rate. We say “get to the Inbox to drive visits to your Website”. Providing relevant information in your email message that delivers a value proposition will improve your click statistics.

Message Presentation – enhance the reader experience. Carefully consider the visual impact of your email message ‘when images have not been downloaded’. Many marketers overly rely on images in their email messages yet a high percentage of recipients never download images. Ensure you have ample relevant information that can entice the click without the reliance on images to tell the story.

Message Templates – level the playing field with an eye catching professional email template. Get the appropriate branding presentation with a custom designed template for your email messages. Ensure there are valid links to your website and the branding is consistent with your website presentation. First impressions count so start out with a top class template.

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