Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 – The Day After
Well I can tell you there were no major fireworks, no front page headlines or any kind of excitement for the release of a piece of law which will affect just about every business in New Zealand.
The New Zealand Herald which is one of the major papers was more concerned with a story about what our Prime Minister received for her birthday.
I suppose I should not be so disappointed – not everyone would be interested in what Parliament does and on reflection this is the first time in my life I have monitored any government process 🙂
As the dead line to comply gets closer you will see the papers run panic stories about how businesses will be fined huge sums of money for failing to comply with the Anti-SPAM law. They will more than likely also chuck in (for extra paper sales) how many businesses will lose earnings because they cannot send out any emails.
We will be alerting our clients in the next week to the new law and what they will need look at to become compliant. Without blowing our horn all emails sent through Mobilize Mail will help towards compliance as we inject all emails with an admin section that allows a subscriber to change their mailing preferences and automatically unsubscribe. We also encourage our clients to add in full contact details to their email content.