eCard Update
At this time of year a lot of businesses send eCards (email versions of Christmas cards) to their clients and prospects. eCards sometimes have the Christmas wishes accompanied with an image of Christmas usually embedded within the email for maximum effect.
One of the reasons businesses use email service providers such as Mobilize Mail is too increase the deliverability rate of their emails. As part of the task of continually monitoring the email marketing space for any changes to spam filters and ISP polices around email we conducted a test to see how the current ISP mail systems deal with embedded images.
The results were not promising. It seems that due to the influx of image embedded spam the major ISP’s in New Zealand and Australia have increased the bounce back of any email containing embedded images. Our tests showed a 30% bounce back of the test eCard we sent to the major ISP’s in New Zealand and Australia. There were some exceptions to the rule however (Gmail, Yahoo and Hotmail) who warmly received our test email.
We therefore recommend that our clients who are sending eCards this year to their subscribers use external images. For clients who are engaging Mobilize Mail to create and send their Christmas eCard we are providing two options:
1) Use external images or,
2) Provide in the email message a link to the completed eCard which will be housed within your landing page area of your Mobilize Mail account. The benefit to this approach is that there are more options as to the makeup of the eCard. For example the use of sounds and animation could be used.
Please contact us if you have further questions.