Mobilize Mail specialise in the design and development of email templates. Our clients can rest easy knowing that their email templates look professional and render well in the most popular email applications in use today. Our business template library provides the most popular styles and you get a template with your branding and styling created for you when we set up your account.
“Not one size fits all” however so you may prefer to design your own template and our graphic designers will develop it for you. Your template library can have a variety of templates for your continuous use. We suggest our clients build up their template library to also include e-cards for anniversaries and special occasions. Our graphic designers are renown for outstanding unique designs. Templates can be created for you on an ad hoc basis.
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Standard Email Templates
Mobilize Mail’s email template library provides a selection of business email templates.
As part of your account setup Mobilize Mail’s graphic designers will create a professional email template business logo, customise colour schemes and create a general layout for your email content to meet your business needs.
Custom Designed Email Templates
Design your own email template and our graphic designers will develop it for you.
Mobilize Mail will test your email template for presentation suitability to ensure it renders well in the most popular email applications in use today.
Want a new template? Complete or ‘quote form’ with your contact details and in the text box put “quote for a new template” – click here to access quote request