Mobilize Mail > Email Marketing Solutions For Business > Full Feature List

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Please view the complete list of current systems features available with Mobilize Mail. Our aim is to provide you with smart email marketing and delivery tools. This is a regularly updated page.

Create, Send and Manage Email Campaigns

  • Custom made email templates designed and created by professionals.
  • Easy to use message editor with advanced features to help make your HTML email message look professional!
  • Image and document library at no extra cost so you can manage your email message images and documents all from within your account.
  • Subscriber personalisation.
  • Email Delivery Schedule Facility so your messages can be sent at different times.
  • TAG library includes “web version”, “send to a friend”, “send feedback” links and many more.
  • Send Test Message facility to test your emails before you send to your subscribers.
  • Auto-Message/Responders (set and forget email campaign).
  • Real-time statistics for your email campaigns.
  • Advanced rule based segmentation to control which subscribers receive your email campaign.

Manage Lists and Subscribers

  • Sign-up forms for subscriber self-management.
  • Sign-up forms on your web site or managed on our servers – you chose!
  • Manage subscribers via our API.
  • Subscriber Preference Centres for subscriber self-management..
  • Customised Subscriber Data Fields – e.g. first name, last name etc… and free form text box, mutli-line text box, radio groups, check boxes, drop down list and date fields to name a few.
  • Unlimited mailing lists can be created at anytime.
  • Automatic bounce management and un-subscription facility.
  • Full subscriber history recorded automatically including messages sent to the subscriber, click and view statistics, subscription, change preferences, bounces and un-subscription statistics.
  • Bulk import and export of subscribers and support for the latest Microsoft Excel spreadsheet formats.
  • Powerful search tools let you search for subscribers by their subscriber data, messages sent, bounces and other search criteria.
  • Subscriber health management tools to keep your subscriber mailing lists healthy.

Create, Send and Manage Surveys

  • Create unlimited number of surveys to send to your subscribers.
  • Unlimited survey questions and question responses.
  • Advanced survey triggers to perform tasks based on survey question responses.
  • Multiple question options e.g. text box, multi-text line, radio groups, check boxes and drop down lists to name a few.
  • Real-time statistics with text and graphical display.
  • Download results for further analysis.
  • Automatic un-publishing of survey.
  • Introduction, thank you and un-published survey text options.
  • Test preview of survey.
  • Easy 1 click install of survey within email campaign.

Integrate and Automate

  • Simple API interface.
  • Advanced integration options between your business systems and Mobilize Mail including FTP (push and pull), XML, RSS, SQL and other custom protocols.
  • Full reporting and auditing that can be emailed to a designated staff member.
  • Mobilize Mail’s Integration Server can apply your business logic to the data before and after it is added to your account.
  • Integration case studies and client references available on demand.

Re-brand and Customised Solutions

  • Rebrand and customize the interface to suit your business requirements.
  • Custom features and tools can be coded and added to your account.
  • Smart Landing Pages and Mini Applications such as event registration, online quote submission and more to your overall marketing solution requirements.

Multi-user and Multi-department Accounts

  • Unlimited account access log-in accounts to support different staff access to your account.
  • Fine-tuned authorization controls what each staff member can access within your account including subscriber access, mailing list access, message access and statistics access.

Support and Extra Services

  • Phone support with a human!
  • Proactive feedback from our email marketing and design experts.
  • Email Campaign Management service allows you to focus on your business while our experts manage your email marketing.
  • Email Advisory Service provides you with a committed team of email marketing professionals to monitor your email marketing campaigns and provide recommendations when needed.

Deliverability and Reputation

  • Private secure mail servers that only our clients use.
  • Daily monitoring of all our mail systems for blacklisting.
  • Proactive white-listing policy.
  • Authentication Support for DKIM, DomainKeys, SPF and SenderID.
  • Full nightly offsite backups on all client data.
  • Risk and disaster recovery plans in place and constantly tested including the use of two separate companies for data centers.
  • ISP feedback loop integration with major ISP’s here in New Zealand and around the world.
  • Abuse and SPAM compliant processes in placed and managed in-house.
  • Lease of dedicated New Zealand based IP addresses for your business.


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