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Multitasking With Your SmartPhone

Eating and watching TV is multitasking made easy but eating and watching a video on your iPhone not so…..until now.

The Chinese have come up with a way to slurp noodles and watch your smartphone at the same time with a iPhone noodle bowl.  Yep, this is not a joke and I bet these bowls are selling fast.   It’s a good thing smartphones are splash proof.




If you want to amplify your smartphone sound here’s a gadget that plays on an environmentally friendly theme.  The wooden amplifier iPhone stand called Trobla from TOK TOK.

“We use our smartphones to play music, yet we find it frustrating that their tiny speakers are not strong enough to set any sort of atmosphere. We like to work with wood, so we set ourselves the challenge of creating an amplifier that doesn’t require a single electronic component.”




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